
Our study with TikTok proves brand and performance marketing are actually BFFs

September 18th, 2024

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Poster displaying 'Brand Performance: The Awareness Advantage'

We’ve teamed up with TikTok to look into the bitter rivalry between brand and performance marketing – which, spoiler alert, has shown they may actually be better off as friends.

Tracksuit knows that brand and performance are often pit against each other in a battle for a precious resource (budget) with the more easily measurable performance marketing usually coming up on top.

We get it: performance marketing demonstrates return-on-investment (ROI) and fulfils the need for those delicious short-term metrics like sales, leads and clicks. In comparison, brand building – which is a more long-term game, impacting influence, attitudes and emotions – can get shoved to the bottom of the priority pile.

This great divide can also divide great marketing teams, with the tension leaving the business’s overall holistic marketing success at risk.

We hear you, and we've got you. The TikTok x Tracksuit Awareness Advantage study shows if you want to drive business metrics, brand matters. It's super valuable for marketers trying to navigate the complexity of balancing these two arch-nemeses of marketing.

Our data will back up your brand building activity, proving that high brand awareness correlates with better performance marketing outcomes (e.g. advertising conversion rates) on TikTok, meaning they really work more effectively together. The best kind of BFFs!

The Awareness Advantage study delves further into:

  • Debunking the myth that click-through rate and brand awareness are correlated
  • TikTok and Tracksuit data that proves more awareness = higher conversion rate*
  • And the brand awareness baseline percentage you should be aiming for in the context of TikTok.

*For example, a brand known by four out of ten consumers is 43% more efficient in driving performance marketing outcomes on TikTok than a brand known by three out of ten consumers.

Spongebob and Patrick from the animated series, symbolizing performance and brand marketing respectively, standing together, illustrating the concept of brand and performance marketing working together for better business outcomes as discussed in the article.

“While performance and brand marketing have different and equally important roles to play, better business outcomes are achieved when they work together toward shared goals.” – James Hurman, Co-Founder of Tracksuit

Our latest report explores how brand and and performance marketing can work more effectively together, with crucial insights for marketers looking to drive long-term profitability.

Access the report now!


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