
Track campaign results with our new Milestones feature

October 11th, 2022

Written by

Harry Flett's profile image
Harry Flett
A red flag with white circles on a pink background representing new milestone feature

It can be hard to keep track of every event or marketing initiative that might be impacting your brand. So after a whole lot of requests for a way to track this from our clients, we’ve built a Milestones feature in the timeline section of the Tracksuit dashboard. 

Milestones allow you to record what’s happening with your brand on your Tracksuit brand health timeline. 

This makes it easy to correlate your brand health with your activity by dropping a marker on your brand health Timeline to signal when a major event or campaign has occurred 📈

A tablet displaying the Tracksuit dashboard with a graph indicating a campaign milestone, used for tracking brand health and marketing initiatives.

What is a milestone?

A milestone is anything that impacts your brand. It could be your own marketing campaign, a competitor’s marketing campaign or any other macro world event (like a lockdown).

1️. Campaigns allow you to record yours or other businesses’ brand activity.

Maybe you’ve launched a new out-of-home campaign, or have a big digital push and want to track how it grows your brand awareness. You can enter the channels it was promoted on, the cost and the date it started to have full visibility over your marketing efforts and how they’re playing out. 

2. Macro events allow you to record any other event.

  • It could be brand-specific, like a new product launch or a store opening.
  • Or it could be a category-wide event, like a COVID lockdown or borders re-opening.

What details can be included?

You can include your campaign channel, objectives, dates, costs, and other details. Add as little or as much detail as you like. 

If you're keeping an eye on the competition, you can also record campaigns you see your competitors running 👀

A tablet displaying the Tracksuit dashboard with a graph showing the percentage of brand awareness and consideration, used for tracking brand health and marketing initiatives.

How do I relate this back to my brand health?

Don’t expect to see immediate results, as brand tracking means playing a longer (but ultimately more satisfying) game. We typically see movements in brand metrics 2 to 3 months after brand activity takes place. 

Mark your activity on the timeline to be able to link movements in health to key campaigns on a monthly or quarterly basis.

But before you drop a marker, you should always be clear on what you’re trying to achieve. Is it:

  • Growing awareness?
  • Promoting preference?
  • Driving purchase intent?
  • Reinforcing key messages?

You can learn more about setting brand tracking goals in our overview of brand health

How do I get started with the milestone feature?

1. Login to the Tracksuit dashboard and go to the Timeline tab on the top of your screen

2. Click the settings button in the top right corner of the Timeline

3. Click “Add Milestones”

4. Click “Add New”

5. Select the Milestones Type and enter your campaign or macro event details

6. Click “Save” and then “View Timeline”. You should now see a Milestone marker on your Timeline!

The Finishing Line 🏁

Ready to get started with adding some Milestones to your Timeline? Head to the Tracksuit dashboard and start recording your campaigns in the app.

Happy brand building! 


Start growing your brand today.

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